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Главная » 2011 » Сентябрь » 15 » Screenshot Captor 2.99.02 Portable
Screenshot Captor 2.99.02 Portable

Screenshot Captor - мощнейшая бесплатная программка для снятия скриншотов. Позволяет фиксировать активные окна, область окна (регионы), всю доступную часть экрана. Screenshot Captor поддерживает наиболее пользующиеся популярностью форматы графических файлов, такие, как: gif, jpg, tiff, png и остальные. Данную программу выделяют следующие индивидуальности: возможность включать комментарии в графические файлы, огромное количество режимов сбора данных, у каждого режима своя жгучая клавиша и т.д.
Screenshot Captor[/b] was designed for grabbing screenshots with minimal intervention. Screenshot Captor has great multimon suport and includes a full image explorer with full shell functionality and unsurpassed integration with external tools like graphic editors, watermarkers, etc.

Screenshot Captor also supports unique effects not seen in other capture tools, including the ability to automatically locate and enhance the active window. Supports tons of image capture methods, including full screen, multimon workspace, arbitrary regions, fixed sized areas, or gdi objects. Suppors gif, png, jpg, tiff and others. Easily embeds user coments in any image type.

Here are some key features of "Screenshot Captor":
· Optimized for taking lots of screenshots with minimal intervention - super efficient workflow.
· Smart autonaming of files, and ability to embed textual comments in files; automatic image file versioning - with tons of options for automatically naming the file and inserting comments.
· Great multi-monitor support.
· Highly configurable to make it work the way you want it to; stays out of your way in the system tray.
· Lots of capture modes: Multimon, Desktop, Active Window, Region, Windows Object. Each mode has a hotkey for quick access.
· Unique Cool Effects, including automatic active window enhancement (see picture below).
· Unsurpassed support for 3rd party user configurable tools, including file browsers and image editors; extend the program to do whatever you need b interfacing it with other programs.
· Slimline sidebar file browser provides full shell operations, with special quick MoveTo menu.
· Optional automatic image file versioning.
· Seamless integration with Unicode Image Maker tool.
· Autoscroll capture for windows too big for screen, and windows object capture for menus, toolbars, and buttons.
· Deluxe thumbnail maker.
· Quick Email sending menu using smtp or mapi (remembers who you sent to so you can send to them again super easy).
· Automatically finds boundaries of non-rectangular/themed windows.
· Autoscroll capture for windows too big for screen.
· Deluxe thumbnail maker.
· Quick PostCapture PopUp Dialog.
· Quick Screenshot Emailer Menu.

Свойство программы:
Название программы и Версия: Screenshot Captor 2.99.02 Portable
Операционная система: Windows® 2000/XP/Vista/7
Год выхода: 2011
Язык интерфейса: Русский, Англиский
Лекарство: Присутствует
Размер файла: 9mb

Скачать Screenshot Captor 2.99.02 Portable:

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